Fourth Floor
5 Rose Street
Blue Tang is relaunched
The deed is done, Peter jumps head first into self employment and Blue Tang Innovations Ltd is born. It should have been Blue Tang Software but some company already took that name, I think on purpose! But the laugh is on them, as Blue Tang Innovations has a good ring to it and reflects what we want to achieve in the coming months (and years).
So we have an office, a home office and time in a friendly co working space called The Melting Pot. The accounting will be carried out by Paystream so taking the burden out of VAt returns and the like, at no greater cost than a regular accountant.
Initial effort has been applied to getting Razordesk back and working. A product we developed back in 2002, need a fair bit of updating to bring it into the 2nd decade of the 21st century. Work almost complete and ready to put back onto the market.
Back to work. With the innovation theme in mind we are keen to enter the Amazon Alexa skills market. Secretly I want to build a Red Dwarf style 'Holly' .. a lot of learning needed.
Blue Tang Innovations